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The Dragon

Height - Six feet five inches

Weight - 250 lbs

Hometown - Cell Seven

Music - Juratissol by Filter


  • Shoulder blade length blonde hair

  • Dragon tattoo on back

  • Black wrestling boots

  • Black cotton trousers

  • Black martial arts belt

  • Black ankle length overcoat

  • Always carries a pair of black metal nunchaku

Favourite Moves

  • The Soul Reaver

  • Assassination Kick

  • Insert Groin Here (fast, powerful knee to groin)

  • Jeet Kune Do kicks and punches

  • Arm Wrench and Side Kick

  • Leg sweep

  • Running Leg Drop

  • Turnbuckle Clothesline

  • Dragonwing Crossface (Chickenwing Crossface with added Wristlock)

Signature Moves

  • The Dragons Teeth - Usually started with a kick to the midsection, The Dragon grabs hold of his opponents right arm, and throws himself backwards, performing a move that is essentially both an Armbreaker DDT and a Facebuster

  • The Widowmaker - The Dragon hits his opponent with a powerful, right footed, martial arts sidekick, square into the chest, stepping forwards as he does so, both winding the opponent, and, also, if close enough to the ropes, knocking them out of the ring, a kick used by Bruce Lee in 'Enter The Dragon'

  • The Psionic Dagger - A quick, single knuckled blow to the opponents temple, which can put an opponent into near unconsciousness, taking a split second to perform, and capable of turning an entire match around into The Dragons favour

  • Dragonsault - Once the opponent is knocked into the corner, the dragon is capable of perfroming a somersault flip, in front of the opponent, kicking the opponent under the chin with his right foot whilst in mid flip, and landing perfectly in a defensive stance 

  • Nunchuku Skills - The Dragon is trained and highly skilled in the use of his Nunchaku, and, as such, he is capable of both hitting an opponent at such high speeds that the opponent can't even see the attacks, let alone block them, but, also, The Dragon is capable of using his Nunchuku to perform a wide variety of throws, trips, submission moves and chokeholds, using the Nunchuku to gain extra leverage against his opponent

  • Big Bang Attack - The Dragon grabs the back of his opponents head with his left hand, and uses his right arm to strike his opponent with The One Inch Power Punch, doubling them over, then, The Dragon uses his right leg to kick his opponents legs away, as he throws them, face first, onto the mat

  • Massenko - The Dragons version of his Tag Team Partner, The Kurgans move, Shockwave, Once an opponent has been knocked to the canvas, The Dragon waits, until the opponent is on his knees, then, The Dragon runs, and hits them with a left footed kick to the stomach, knocking the opponent backwards, then, a right knee kick into the left side of the head, knocking the opponent flat onto their back, as The Dragon lands on his back, and rolls to his feet

  • Whipcrack - Essentially a half version of his own finisher, The Dragon Slayer, and usually started by The Dragon sidestepping an opponents punch, The Dragons sidestep takes him stood slightly behind his opponent, with both The Dragon and his opponent facing in opposite directions, The Dragon reaches back, and hits his opponent with a fast dropping Neckbreaker

  • Dragonbomb - The Dragon picks his opponent up, as if to deliver a powerbomb, with the opponent sat upon The Dragons right shoulder, The Dragon then reaches down, to the side of his ribs, and grabs hold of his opponents ankles, as The Dragon jumps, as The Dragon pulls his opponent off of his shoulder, The Dragon landing sat down, as his opponents face and chest slam into the floor, this move can also be performed to cause the opponents face to strike the turnbuckle, or a table, or anything else that may be nearby

Finishing Moves

  • The Dragon Slayer - Usually started with a kick the either the groin or the midsection, depending on the rules of the match, The Dragon then uses his right arm to grab his opponent in a front face lock, then, spins around one hundred and eighty degrees, wrenching his opponents neck, as he turns them into position, with the opponents head held above his right shoulder, facing upwards, as The Dragon delivers a falling, high impact Neckbreaker

  • Smartshooter - The Dragon locks his opponent into a Texas Cloverleaf, placing his knee into the back of his opponents neck, putting extra pressure into the opponents neck, adding to the pain caused by the submission move


  • Of All of the members of The Dragons Klaw, The Dragon is the most enigmatic, very little is known about The Dragon and his life outside of wrestling, except that he is an accomplished martial artist, and is, to all intents and purposes, The Kurgans brother, not in the legal aspect of brother as in 'sharing the same parents', but, in a deeper, more spiritual sense of brotherhood, The Kurgan and The Dragon have known each other almost as long as they have been able to walk, and have known each other longer than their own, true, genetic siblings. The Dragon possesses an in ring style that is very technical, a fast hitting, martial arts background have made The Dragon one of the fastest Wrestlers around, able to hit his opponent almost faster than his opponent can register being hit, it was this style and technique with which The Dragon was able to gain The AWW's longest ever undefeated streak, The Dragon not losing a match for over eighteen months, and holding the AWW Inconsequential Title for almost the entire duration of his unbeaten run